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Master-Detail using the DataEntryGrid control

The DataEntryGrid control was initially added to provide users with the option to add structured data that would be saved inside a multi-lines-of-text control (using XML). So it is ideal for cases that no external list is required to store the…
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Master-Detail using the ListAndForm control

This is a step-by-step guide of building a mster-detail form (PowerForms Advanced) using the ListAndForm control. For this example. we will use 2 connected lists : Customers and Contacts. Customers list columns Title, Address Contacts…
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Complex List Query Examples

This article contains some more advanced examples on query building : You can read some basic instructions on how to build list query criteria HERE : For our examples, we will use a list of Cases having the following columns : Title…
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Querying SharePoint Lists and displaying results

Users can execute queries to the Sharepoint Lists and show the result in a DataGrid control. To enter the List Query editor, first enter PowerForms designer mode and select LIST_QUERIES from the drop down menu. The selection menu is highlighted…
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List Query Criteria

List Queries is a common method to load results from a SharePoint list. List Queris can be specified using the LIST-QUERIES section of the runtime designer or when defining parameters for lookup controls (inside the Lookup Details tab or…
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Apply Form Validations or Pre-Update actions using external web posts

You can apply validation rules inside your forms using external web pages. The system can call an external web page and pass the action (preupdate, preinsert, predelete) and the list of the field name/ field value pairs. This web page…
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Calling external web services and displaying data

Users can create external web service calls and display these data in a datagrid in the form. Users can create external web service calls and display these data in a datagrid in the form. NOTE: Other controls can also be connected with…
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Manually Calling Web Services

With PowerForms, users could bind specific controls to existing web services and retrieve values automatically during form initialization or whenever another control that affected the web service call occurred. In version 2.0, a new Button…
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Getting external values using web posts

You can retrieve information from web posts and use them inside your form. For example, as soon as you select a customer from a combobox, you want to display the balance of the selected customer in a label next to the customer. In order…
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Building Custom Controls

Power Forms is designed with extensibility in mind. There are some cases where you need some special customization for your form. For these cases, developers can build and register their custom controls (using Visual Studio & Silverlight). Since…